The Erl King
Personal work, 2014
For my master graduation project at Camberwell University of the Arts I decided to make a series of work inspired by Angela Carter's story of The Erl King. Each piece is based on lines from the story, which are also used as titles. The project includes my love for black and white linework, but also my interest in working with colour and mixed media. The full colour pieces are a mix of photography, digital painting and drawing, and scanned textures. The final images were printed large scale and shown in a group exhibition at Camberwell University of the Arts.

'You can keep me in one of your cages and mock my loss of liberty'
'Only the sweetest singers he will keep'
'The trees stir with noises of women who have lost themselves'
'Mother, mother, you have murdered me!'
'The Erl King will do you grievous harm'